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T-shirts & Poloshirts

CORE T-shirt | women Style: 0541
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T-shirt with a casual design. Perfectly cut round neck with a narrow ribbed neck and sleeves and cool stitching details at the armholes and hem.
CORE T-shirt | slub | women Style: 0537
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Exclusive quality slub T-shirt with a casual design and fit. Round neck with raw roll edge. Upturned hems on sleeves fastened with short perpendicular stitching.
CORE T-shirt | V-neck | women Style: 0543
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T-shirt with a casual design. Perfectly cut V-neck with narrow ribbed neck and sleeves and cool stitching details at the armholes and hem.
Business polo shirt | Jersey | women Style: 0535
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Business, single jersey stretch polo shirt with stylish collar stand. Sleeves are finished with a firm cuff made of the same material. Elegant contrast fabric inside on collar stand and front placket. Button closure with attractive two-tone matching buttons. Small elegant slit in side seam. Stretch quality is light and soft and offers greater comfort and freedom of movement.